Book Review

Book Review – My Hero, My Ding by Lisa Tortorello

My Hero, My Ding

Many of us have that one special person in our lives who has impacted and influenced us in ways we can only begin to tell. Such is the case for Lisa Tortorello. In “My Hero, My Ding” Lisa shares the stories and impact her grandfather had on her life. Each reminiscence shared paints a beautiful picture of how their relationship shaped both of them as they both grew up.

Lisa has a beautiful writing style which captures the essence of every story she shares. As a reader, you can feel completely a part of the scene unfolding around you. Lisa has chosen to share memories which can be relatable to many, yet have a distinctive quality and feel that helps the reader understand just how special Lisa and her grandfather’s relationship was. This is a beautiful memoir and I thank you, Lisa, for allowing me to take a glimpse into such a beautiful relationship.

To learn more about Lisa and her book, “My Hero, My Ding” visit her website or the Tate Publishing website at

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