Book Review

Book Review – The Prosperity Gospel Exposed, by Michael Fortner

The Prosperity Gospel Exposed: And Other False DoctrinesI am going to get back to doing our weekly book reviews on Mondays. I love to read and I want to help spread the word about some of the great books I’ve read recently.

I received a copy of The Prosperity Gospel Exposed: and Other False Doctrines from Michael Fortner who asked if I’d be willing to read and write an honest review. I honestly didn’t know what to expect when I sat down to read. What I found was a well thought out and researched review of the main principles of the Prosperity gospel that is preached by so many big-name preachers today, along with solid Biblical facts showing how these principles are false. Michael begins by explaining what led him to this research and even his staunch belief in a prosperity gospel himself until he just couldn’t reconcile some of the principles these preachers taught with the truth found in scripture. He then began a full-scale review of the prosperity gospel and this work is the result.

As I mentioned, this book is well thought out. The book gives lots of examples while trying to help people understand what a fraud and a waste the time and money spent on prosperity gospel is, based on Biblical fact. The book is well-researched, well-organized, and the message well-delivered. If I had any criticisms, it would only be that occasionally the passion of the writer overwhelms his words, but I believe that is only to help stir up the believers in Christ to recognize how they are wasting their time and money by falling for the lie that is the Prosperity gospel.

I definitely recommend this book if you or someone who know is involved in the Prosperity gospel or has bought into the health and wealth gospel because it is truly not found in scripture. Thank you, Michael, for this work to help expose the dangerous and harmful scheme that is the Prosperity gospel.

For more information about The Prosperity Gospel Exposed: and Other False Doctrines and Michael Fortner, visit his website at or on amazon at

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