
Christian Devotional – April 2, 2016

Read Acts chapter 4


Acts 4:19–But Peter and John replied, “Which is right in God’s eyes: to listen to you, or to him? You be the judge.


I think many of us would answer that question easily with the words that we say, but how would our actions answer that question? Would people who come alongside of us and look at our life be able to answer that question based on what they observed about our actions? We can say the right things all day long, but if our words and actions don’t demonstrate that we are following God, then people will believe our actions, not our words.


Father, I pray that my life today will be a reflection of my belief that it’s right to listen to You and not to men. I pray that You will give me the courage and the boldness to live out Your words and actions in every area of my life, regardless of who else is watching.