
Christian Devotional – April 5, 2016

Read Acts chapter 6


Acts 6:10–But they could not stand up against the wisdom the Spirit gave him as he spoke.


Stephen was sharing the gospel message and the religious leaders of the day didn’t like it at all. However, every time they started to debate with him, Stephen was able to explain everything and make them look foolish. How was he able to do this? We see here that the Spirit gave Stephen wisdom in what he poke. God will be there with us to defend us and to give us the words to say when we need them. We don’t have to try to be overly wise, we just have to learn to be overly dependent. As we rely on God, His Spirit will give us the wisdom to say what we need to say in each and every moment of the day.


Father, Thank You for Your wisdom and for allowing us to experience that through Your Spirit. I know that You are able to speak and refute so many things. Give me the wisdom to wait on You and the patience to only say what You give me to say. I want my words to glorify You and the best way for that to happen is for my words to come from You in the first place.