
Christian Devotional – December 11, 2018

Do what you know to do. Joseph’s brothers were in an odd situation. They had come back to get more food, but they were being treated very differently from last time. And, they were being treated very differently from everyone else they saw coming to buy food. What did they do about it? They went ahead doing exactly what they knew. Read Genesis 43:24-25

So they prepared the present for Joseph’s coming at noon; for they had heard that they were to eat a meal there.
Genesis 43:25 NASB

In the midst of all the oddities of their situation, the brothers decided that the only thing they could do was to do exactly what they planned to in the first place. They had a present for this great governor and so they went about preparing it. 

When the situation around us changes, we need to review and evaluate how our response should change, but essentially, we should get busy doing what we know we need to do. We can revise as we go along if necessary, but if we have been given direction by God to do something  then no matter how odd the circumstance, we need to follow through on what we know. 

Will we choose to move forward, even when we don’t understand or it doesn’t make sense? God desires our obedience to Him, and sometimes it’s not going to be readily apparent why He has us doing things, but we are to continue doing what He has for us.