
Christian Devotional – January 10, 2018

Worry much? We all have had times where we get anxious or thoughtful about the events or circumstances that we are going through. Yet do we allow ourselves to be consumed by worry. As we continue reading in Luke 12:1-34 we see this verse

And which of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life’s span?
Luke 12:25 NASB

I know that if it were possible to add time to our life span simply by worrying, I would have added a significant amount. How about you? We can be incessant worriers and there is much in our culture that makes us want to worry. Yet God promises that He will be with us. Do we trust Him? Ultimately, the issue of worry comes down to trust. Do we trust God or not. If we do, we will find ourselves content to leave situations in His hands. If we don’t, then we will find ourselves plagued by worry.

What does your life look like today? On a scale of 1 to 10, how often are you worried. On that same scale, where is your trust in God. What can you do to increase your trust in Him today?