
Christian Devotional – January 13, 2016

Read Genesis chapter 29


Genesis 29:31–When the Lord saw that Leah was not loved, he enabled her to conceive, but Rachel remained childless.


God sees us and knows us. He knows our deepest fears and our innermost longings. God is not some distant being, but instead is someone who knows us better than we even know ourselves. When that is put together with the fact that God sees and knows everything about the world and all that goes on, we see that God truly knows our best interest and is able to work in and through all things in order to bring about the very best for us. Leah didn’t share her concerns with God; in fact, we’re not even sure that she knew or believed in God at this point. But, it didn’t stop God from blessing her in her difficult circumstance. How much more does God desire to bring good things to those of us who know and worship Him?


Father, I know that You see me and I know that You hear my cries and my desires. I thank You for seeing the big picture and for not always giving me what I ask for, but instead only giving me what You desire me to have. I will praise You in all things today!