
Christian Devotional – July 11, 2017

Do we model the Christian Life for others? In Nehemiah chapter 5, starting in verse 14 through 19, we see Nehemiah in a position of leadership setting the example for how a believer should act in a position of leadership. Nehemiah demonstrates and models that idea of servant leadership. He doesn’t use his power and authority to oppress the people or to demand more from them, he uses it as an opportunity to serve the people and to demonstrate what true servant leadership looks like.

Today, we can read book after book about the importance and the effectiveness of servant leadership. Nehemiah obviously knew God would have him lead. How do we lead? Do we set an example that others would desire to follow? Do we lead through service? No matter what position we hold, we always have the opportunity to be an example of how Christ would treat other people. What example are we setting today?