
Christian Devotional – July 12, 2017

Distraction. Satan loves to use distraction to switch our focus off of what God has for us to do. In Nehemiah 6:1-9 we see the enemies trying to distract Nehemiah. The work is going well and nearing completion, but now the enemies are trying to get Nehemiah to leave the work and come to a meeting wth them. When he continues to refise, they spread lies about him. All things done to try to distract the Nehemiah from the purpose that God has given him. Nehemiah responded that he didn’t have time to be distracted and kept working. He turned their distractions over to God and got back to work.

How do we handle distractions? Are we willing to continue to move and obey, or to we spend precious time and energy worrying about them or trying to counteract them? That is all part of the enemies plan and instead we must turn distractions over to God and keep our focus on the work, just as it should be.