
Christian Devotional – July 14, 2017

Nehemiah and his group finally complete the work that God has given them to do. In Nehemiah chapter 6, verses 15 through 19, we seen the amazing and miraculous completion of this group of people dedicated to doing what God had them to do. In only 52 days they were able to completely rebuild the wall around Jerusalem. Now that’s cause for celebration! Unfortunately, that doesn’t mean the end of trouble for Nehemiah.

Sometimes we think once we’ve actually completed the work that God gives us to do that means we’re free from persecution and strife. No. The enemy still is looking to discredit and to cause the downfall of anyone who’s been willing to be obedient to the Lord. We can’t let our guard down. We continue to need to rely on God every single day for the enemy knows if we were willing to be obedient and one thing, we will be willing to be obedient in something else. So the only thing to be done is for the enemy to continue to try to discredit us and cause us to fall. Just because we were victorious in our obedience to Christ yesterday, doesn’t guarantee that we will be victorious today unless we choose to continue to follow him. We cannot ever rest on our past successes for God always has something new that he’s calling us to and continue to be obedient to him every single day. Are we following Christ in obedience today?