
Christian Devotional – July 24, 2015

Read 1 Samuel chapter 18


1 Samuel 18:12–Saul was afraid of David, because the Lord was with David but had departed from Saul.


To a person who has stopped being obedient to God, there is nothing more frustrating than to be around someone who is being obedient to God. The disobedient person gets angry and upset because they are being reminded of what they have lost. They see the peace and contentment, the trust and reliance on God and they become jealous and angry and afraid, just like Saul did. Instead, they need to recognize that God is still willing and waiting to restore them as well, if they will repent and return to God. When we are around other believers, are we strengthened and encouraged to surrender more to God or do we allow Satan to fill us with jealousy and hatred? God desires that we return to Him.


Father, Help me to be focused on You alone and not get caught up in comparing myself to other believers. I desire to learn from and grow with others, but not to be jealous of them for You have offered me the same relationship with You that You’ve offered them. I will trust in You and be thankful for the path that You have me on.