
Christian Devotional – March 21, 2016

Read Joshua chapter 17


Joshua 17:4–They went to Eleazar the priest, Joshua son of Nun, and the leaders and said, “The Lord commanded Moses to give us an inheritance among our relatives.” So Joshua gave them an inheritance along with the brothers of their father, according to the Lord’s command.


Several years back, this issue of an inheritance for a man who only had daughters had been brought to Moses and he went to the Lord and they discussed it and the Lord indicated that they were to give an inheritance to these daughters as well. Now that the time has come to hand out the inheritance, the daughters reminded the leadership of this command. They then fulfilled it. When God makes a promise to us that He will do something or allow something in our lives, we will need to trust that He is going to be faithful to His promise and bring that about exactly as He has said. This is an example of God fulfilling His promise to these daughters. So, we can trust Him to fulfill His promises to us today.


Father, thank You that I can trust You and for giving me great examples in the Bible to study and learn from. I know that You will do all that You promise me and I will trust in the examples that You have left for me to learn from. Thank You for being trustworthy!