
Christian Devotional – March 27, 2018

Do we marvel in the love of God? It can become easy to take the fact that God loves us for granted. We hear it and speak about it, but do we truly understand how marvelous it is that God loves us? See this verse from psalm 31.

Blessed be the Lord , For He has made marvelous His lovingkindness to me in a besieged city.
Psalms 31:21 NASB

God makes his love for us marvelous. He does great and marvelous things, but are we willing to see him for all that He does for us? Or do we just expect him to love us and lose sight of the wonder. God is a just and holy God, yet he makes a conscious choice to extend his love to us. Why? We’ve done nothing to earn or deserve his love. In fact we’ve often done plenty of things to reject his love, yet God bestows his love ion us and offers us a way to be redeemed. Will we take it?  Will we be amazed and in awe of the love that God has for us?