
Christian Devotional – March 5, 2014

Read 2 John


2 John 3 – Grace, mercy, and peace from God the Father and from Jesus Christ, the Father’s Son, will be with us in truth and love.


Grace, mercy, and peace all sound so wonderful to have and experience. However, it’s not just any grace, mercy, or peace; they must be completed together with truth and love. Only through the truth, Jesus Christ, and the love, God the Father, are we able to experience grace, mercy, and peace. Do we feel like we are lacking grace, mercy, and peace? We must seek after God the Father and the Father’s Son so that we experience the truth and the love first, then we will see the grace, mercy, and peace.


Father, You are love and Jesus is the truth. Only through You will I experience grace, mercy, and peace. I surrender my life to You for only You bring about the grace, mercy, and peace that is needed in my life.