
Christian Devotional – May 4, 2014

Read Romans chapter 16


Romans 16:19–Everyone has heard about your obedience. I rejoice because of you; but I want you to be wise about what is good, and innocent about what is evil.


It is so encouraging to hear about the obedience of people we care about. Paul was excited and rejoicing in all that he had heard about this church. He then makes this statement to be wise about what is good and innocent about what is evil. We do not have to know everything about all the sins that the world uses to lure people with, to know that they are evil. We should spend our time and energy focused on God and what is good so that we may be wise in recognizing where and how God desires to work and move in our lives. We are not to be wise about what is evil, but seek to remain innocent of the evil that the world offers.


Father, I will seek to be wise in all that you are and all that You desire for me. While I do not want to be naïve to the world or blind to the evils that the world is capable of, I will strive to be innocent of those evils so that I remain focused on You and You alone.