
Christian Devotional – November 18, 2015

Read James chapter 4


James 4:5–But he gives us more grace. That is why scripture says: “God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.”


Humility and grace go hand in hand. As we show humility before God and recognize His position in relationship our own position, God will give us the grace that we need to be able to move forward and handle the situations that He allows us to go through. As we are seeking His glory, not our own, God will allow us to share in His glory. If we spend our time seeking our own glory, then God will oppose us as He seeks to glorify Himself, not us. Who’s glory are we seeking today?


Father, I will seek Your glory today, not my own. I know that when I seek my own glory, ultimately I will fail. I need Your grace today as I am not perfect and nothing I do will ever measure up. Please show me how I can point others to You today.

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