
Christian Devotional – November 19, 2012

Acts 3:6–But Peter said, “I do not possess silver and gold, but what I do have I give to you; In the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene–walk!”

It’s easy to get focused on all the things that we don’t have to give others. Yet we are faced with a world in need. They may think they need one thing or another, but as believers in Jesus Christ, we know what they actually need. Are we willing to look past people’s spoken needs and be willing to give them what they actually need?

Father, help me to see people and their needs as You see them. I pray You will give me courage to give people what they need. You see people as they truly are, help me to see people that way as well and act on the need that You allow me to see. I do not want to be focused on the things I don’t have, but rather the amazing gifts that I do have through You.

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