
Christian Devotional – September 17, 2014

Read 1 Corinthians chapter 10


1 Corinthians 10:6–Now these things occurred as examples to keep up from setting our hearts on evil things as they did.


The Bible is full of examples. Over and over through scripture we see the stories of several people who either did right or did wrong. The Bible records these for us to learn from. We are to see what happens to those who set their hearts on God as well as those who don’t so we can make the right choice in our own lives. It’s easier to make the right choice if we are aware of others who have been faced with the choice before us and we can see how they responded and the consequences.


Father, thank You for the examples in the Bible. Keep me focused on learning from them, following in their right examples, and avoiding their mistakes. You are truly wonderful and I praise You for all You have done.