
Christian Devotional – September 29, 2017

Are we the calm during the storm? In Proverbs 10:22-32 we see more contrast between the wise and the fool. In verse 25 it mentions that the wise have a firm foundation, but the wicked get destroyed by the storm. When the storms of life come on us, are we able to weather through them, or do we get sucked under and trampled?  If we are holding to the righteousness of God, we have a firm foundation on which to stand. We can be confident that even though the storm rages around us, our foundation is strong and sure. For the fool, they get destroyed by the storm. They don’t see how we can endure while they are crushed under the pressure of the storm. Will we endure the storm or be destroyed by it? The difference is made based on whether we are wise and have established Christ as our foundation.