
Devotional – January 20, 2012

Job 4:7–“Remember now, whoever perished being innocent? Or where were the upright destroyed?”

Job’s friend Eliphaz has come to be with Job during his difficult time. Unfortunately, all of his advice and counsel is based on this incorrect assumption. In Eliphaz’s thinking, only bad people go through bad things, so therefore Job must have done something to bring about this punishment from God. While it is true that we can experience the consequences of our sins while here on earth, it is not true that everyone who goes through suffering has done something wrong to deserve it. Look at Jesus. He was perfect, upright, and completely innocent, yet He was tortured and killed as a part of God’s perfect plan.

Lord, help me to provide comfort to those who are hurting, and help me not to assume anything about their situation or the reasons for it. I know that the innocent sometimes suffer. I pray You will accomplish Your perfect plan in me no matter the cost, even if it means suffering.

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