
Devotional – September 7, 2011

Psalm 73:3–For I was envious of the arrogant as I saw the prosperity of the wicked.

Often we look around our world and it seems like those who do evil are the ones who prosper. We can find ourself envious of their seeming success. Yet this psalm goes on to detail the fact that God is over all and He will judge all things rightly in the end.

Lord, help me to keep my focus on You today and not get distracted by the people around me and what they seem to have. I pray You will help me to seek only after You.

One Comment

  • Rev. Brad

    What a good scripture that really speaks to the condition of our heart.
    We miss it all the time. When Jesus was born there was nothing but humble surroundings.
    Tempting us with things that are appealing is the tactic of the enemy.
    Let us remember as we meditate on this scripture today that often the things of God don’t seem appealing to our flesh but the things of the enemy do.
    The book of Genesis shows us in the garden that the one tree they could not eat from looked good to eat.
    Gen 3:6 “When the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes,”
    Scripture seems to show us that God is more about substance than flash, quality instead of quantity, purity instead of property.

    Thank you for sharing this scripture with us today. Be blessed.