
Christian Devotional – February 15, 2019

What is the opposite of wisdom? According to James, the opposite of wisdom is jealousy and selfish ambition. Read James 3:13-16.

For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there is disorder and every evil thing.
James 3:16 NASB

Just yesterday we saw that Godly wisdom is displayed by acting in gentleness. So what actions characterize a lack of wisdom? Jealousy and selfish ambition.

When we are focused on the selfishness and frustration of thinking that we are not held in as high if a regard as we think we should be, we miss the wisdom that God has for us. We miss the chance to see Him use us for His glory because we get so wrapped up thinking about our own glory.

Where are we focusing our time and energy today? Are we acting in His wisdom or our own? Are we seeking His glory or our own?