
Christian Devotional – July 13, 2017

In Nehemiah chapter 6 verses 10 through 14, we see yet another attempt by the enemy. They were threatening Nehemiah’s life. So one of their fake Prophets, comes to Nehemiah and tells him, “Look, go into the temple and hide. You’ll be safe there.” However, Nehemiah kew that what they were asking him to do was wrong. And doing the wrong thing even for a seemingly right reason, is still wrong.

The same holds true for us today. We must understand that God’s holiness demands that we be obedient to him in all areas. There will be some things where being obedient to God is not the easy or the comfortable choice, but it doesn’t change the importance of are obedience. In some cases, it’s even more important for us to be obedient in the difficulties, because others are seeing our example. Are we focused on doing the right thing at all times, even when it’s uncomfortable? We’ve been called obedient to God, how can we do anything less?