
Christian Devotional – July 16, 2013


Jeremiah 17:7–“But Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him.”


What do we trust in? Who do we have total confidence in? If we are trusting in anyone or anything besides the Lord God, then we will fail. However, when we place our complete trust in the Lord, He will be the one to bless us. The Lord is worthy of our trust, but until we take that step to act upon our confidence in Him, we will never be completely trusting in Him. Do we say we trust God? Do our actions display that trust on a daily basis?


Father, You are worthy of trust, but I have to choose to rest in that trust. I will not only place my trust in You but I will live out that trust daily by following Your commands. I love You and know You have the perfect plan for me.