
Christian Devotional – May 27, 2012

Matthew 2:12–And having been warned by God in a dream not to return to Herod, the magi left for their country by another way.

This chapter tells of several times when God warned people about danger that was coming. Are we paying attention to God? He knows what is coming in our lives and He will often left us know what we need to be doing. This verse doesn’t say that God told the magi exactly why they should not go back to Herod. So, we may not know the reason why we are to do or not do something, but we can always trust God for the direction.

Lord, I need guidance in my life. I pray You will lead and direct my ever step and help me to trust and follow You even if Your direction doesn’t make sense.

Don’t forget to head over to the Sisters in Cahoots page today for the Sunday’s with Kristi Devotional. Are you spiritually bankrupt? Find out more.

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