
Christian Devotional – July 18, 2022

Teaching and Training, Day 6

Act appropriately. These verses in Timothy are often a cause for questions, especially with women. Read 1 Timothy 2:8-15.

Paul does address men as well, but here in these verses we see a number of directions given to women. This verse here, verse 10, really encompasses the heart and soul of what Paul is saying. We have to undersyand the culture and the times that these directions are being given. Also, we see that Paul is very specific about the fact that these are his opinions. Still, the words in verse 10 apply.

Act appropriately. No matter what the culture is or the time frame in which you live, there are standards and expectations for what people who follow Jesus Christ are to do and say. We are to be a reflection of Jesus Christ. We are to love people and we are to glorify God in everything that we do. The way in which we dress, the words we use, the actions and attitudes that we hold, these are all part of what we put on each and every day. Are we reflecting Christ and glorifying him by what we do? If not, this is our opportunity to put on the things that will glorify God.