
Christian Devotional – December 14, 2022

Four of the Letters, Day 12

Boldness to share the gospel. Read Ephesians chapter 6.

As we continue to the end of the book of Ephesians, we read about the boldness that Paul asked for prayer for. When it came down to it, he really only had one request of the people he was writing to, he wanted them to pray that he would continue to boldly share the gospel to everyone he was around.

When we think of others and what we would like for them to pray for us, what do we ask for? Are we asking for happiness or peace or security or safety? What about health or physical healing? Paul could have asked for prayer for any and all of those things, instead what he prayed for was for buldness.

How can we be more bold in what we share about the gospel with others today? Who do we need to ask to pray for us to have boldness?