
Christian Devotional – January 21, 2024

Psalm and Praise, Day 22

Alone. Read Psalm chapter 22.

The first verse of this psalm has the distinction of having been quoted by Jesus the cross. As he hung there and felt the separation that our sin created, he cried out to God about being alone.

There are so many times that we feel alone. We need the presence of the Lord and when we don’t feel it, that separation can seem overwhelming. However, our feelings are not truth. Even though David felt alone as he shared this psalm, the truth is that he was never alone. As we come to the end of the psalm, we see all that God is doing for him, and David acknowledging those actions.

It’s a reminder that no matter how desperately alone we feel, God Has not abandoned us. God has not forsaken us. We are his children and we can trust in him even when we don’t feel it. Are we trusting in our feelings today or are we trusting in the truth of God knowing that he is with us no matter what we face today?