
Christian Devotional – July 30, 2024

Times of Transition, Day 23

Insight and action. Read 2 Kings chapter 1.

He had seen two of his captains fall before him and still, he is given the exact same order that they were. What does he do? For this captain, he learns from the example of those who have gone before him. Instead of just marching up to this man of God and spouting the same stuff that the king has told him to, he makes the decision to pay respect and to recognize the power of the God that this man serves. He humbles himself before Elijah and as a result God allows his life to be spared. And not only his, but also all of the soldiers that are with him.

Often we act like we are the king, thinking we can command God to do whatever we want him to do, when we want him to do it. Yet that is not how God works. God will not be ordered around. God does what he knows is right at the right time. Are we humbling ourselves to the will of God so that we can experience the blessing of God?