
Christian Devotional – August 3, 2024

Times of Transition, Day 27

Faithful through change. Read 2 Kings chapter 5.

Change in transition is hard, but only when it’s change that we don’t want or didn’t expect. Here we see a young girl who went through a massive change. She was essentially kidnapped and taken to a foreign country and made to live as a servant. How does she respond? She remains faithful to God and to all that she had learned growing up. Apparently she was well treated, or at least had enough respect for the people that she worked for that she wanted them to experience the healing of God. She recommended that her master go seek out the one true God so he could be healed.

When we go through change, even if its change we weren’t expecting and aren’t happy about, do we continue to be faithful? Do we continue to seek the best for the people that are in leadership over us? Do we continue to help them even if they haven’t been deserving or are unworthy? Everyone needs to understand and experience the one true God. Are we working to bring people into that relationship by the integrity of our lives and how we manage and deal with change?