
Christian Devotional – August 7, 2024

Times of Transition, Day 31

Chain reaction. Read 2 Kings chapter 9.

As we read this chapter, it really is a chain reaction of the events of these first few verses. God gives a message to Elisha and Elisha gives that message to one of the profits to deliver. This sets in motion many things that God had already prophesied were coming about, people just didn’t know when. With this one announcement, God moves forward with so many of his plans to be able to address the judgment of the people of Israel.

We must continue to be obedient one step at a time. We never know which one action will have a chain reaction of events attached to it that will lead us closer to God’s perfect desire for our lives. Don’t lose hope and don’t lose heart. God still sees the end result and he is working to bring that about in his time. You never know which next act of obedience will be the one that pushes things forward.