
Christian Devotional – August 23, 2024

Times of Transition, Day 43

Cleaning house. Read 2 Kings 23.

After Josiah humbled himself before the Lord as we saw in the chapter yesterday, this chapter he got busy. There was a lot of clean up that needed to happen. So many sins had been committed by the people od Judah, and Josiah knew that he had to completely remove the opportunity to sin. The quickest way to minimize sin is to remove the opportunities for temptation. So, Josiah set about doing that. He went through everything in the temple. Everything through Jerusalem. Everything through all the surrounding towns and cities. He methodically eliminated everything that was not designed to bring glory to God.

When we are confronted with our sin, we must recognize that it is our responsibility to do an evaluation of our life. God wants to systematically eliminate everything from our life that does not bring him glory. We must start with ourselves and then proceed to go through every area of our life and measure it according to God’s perfect will. What are the areas of our life that we need to bring before him? What are the areas that need clean up.

God wants to help us do this but we must be willing and take the steps to start. Will we humble ourselves like we discussed yesterday and then will we act with purpose today?

Check out the YouTube video on this devotional: