
Christian Devotional – September 18, 2024

New Beginnings, Day 13

Choices. Read Genesis chapter 13.

Abram and lot were too big to stay together. Abram allowed Lot to have his choice of the land. Lot went east, so Abram was heading west. Then the Lord interrupts and tells Abram that it doesn’t really matter because everything, north, south, east, and west will ultimately belong to his descendants. Lot wasn’t a descendant of Abram, and Abram knew that. But it didn’t matter that he chose land, God is still in control and God was giving it all to Abram.

We can sometimes be very short-sighted. We see short-term decisions and forget that God is looking at his long-term goals. God is going to achieve his goals. We can rest assured that decisions and circumstances that happen in the short-term really will have little impact on God’s ultimate goal.

Abraham would have had no way to know that what was happening very soon at Sodom and Gomorrah. But God did. Are we trusting in God knowing that it’s his decision that matters most, not our own?

Watch the video devotional here

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