
Christian Devotional – September 19, 2024

New Beginnings, Day 14

Ready for anything. Read Genesis chapter 14.

In reading through this battle, we see that there was a group of 5 kings up against a group of 4 kings. Unfortunately, Abram’s nephew Lot was caught up in the middle of it. Up to that point, Abram wasn’t involved. He was not looking for a fight. He was not attempting to conquer anything.

Up through this entire book we have not seen Abram engaged in battle, however he was ready for it. He had 318 men that were trained for that very purpose, even though he had never actively sought to conquer anyone. Abram understood the risks of where he was and the situation he was in, and he prepared for those risks and was ready.

With new beginnings comes new risks. Every time we do something new, we learn something additional about the potential for problems or obstacles. Abram was ready in advance. He had prepared. God gives us so many opportunities to be ready. He leads us to do things that might not make sense in the moment, but later we realize they were actually preparation for something we hadn’t anticipated needing to be able to do.

No knowledge, no training, no experience is ever wasted by God. Are we seeking ways to be ready for anything that God has for us?

Make sure to watch the video devotional here:

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