Christian Devotional – January 8, 2025
Take Action, Day 27

Rescued by association. Read Acts chapter 27.
Paul is a prisoner and is being transported to Rome, but this is not an easy journey. As his captor is negotiating the best way to get him to Rome, we see that they encounter significant difficulties. In this chapter, they are going through a storm that is going to ultimately crash and capsize the boat they are in. God tells Paul that he will be saved, and that everyone else on the boat will be saved as well, because of Paul.
Do we recognize and understand that sometimes we, as believers in Christ, are the reason that blessings are allowed given to those around us. We can be the reason that people around us experience God. Our relationship with God, does overflow to impact the lives of the people around us.
Are we thankful to God for the impact that he makes on others? Do we praise him for all that he does to make himself known to other people. There are people in our lives right now who are being blessed simply because they are around us, and God is blessing them as a result of blessing us. Do we praise him for that?
Video devotional here: