
Christian Devotional – March 2, 2025

Ruth’s Example, Day 9

Not me. Read Ruth 4:8.

Boaz is going to take care of the issue. He locates the other man who has the right of redemption and asks him about his interest. Initially, the man is very interested in purchasing and redeeming the land however, when he learned that it also included a wife, he changed his mind and said, “No, not me.”

It makes me wonder, how often do we get presented with something that God is looking to do, and we say, “No, not me. That might hurt my own plans that might get in the way of what I’m doing.” We can be the largest obstacle to God being able to work and move in our life.

If we are not willing to accept the plans that God brings to us, then we will never see God work the way he could through us. Boaz was willing to take the risk, and God rewarded him for it. What risks do we need to take to be able to see God reward us through his plan?

Video devotional here:

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