
Christian Devotional – March 6, 2025

Wisdom Squandered, Day 1

Lack of legacy. Read Ecclesiastes 1:1-11.

Having just spent time studying an example of what we should do, we’re going to switch and take some time to study an example of what we should not do. The book of Ecclesiastes is written as a book of Solomon’s regrets. King Solomon had so much going for him, and yet he stumbled and fell in so many ways. He wrote the book of Ecclesiastes at the end of his life as he was evaluating what he could have or should have done differently.

We can learn so much from his example of what not to do. He has a different take on legacy than we saw at the end of the book of Ruth. Here, we see him saying that the next generations don’t remember us. We will fade into history and into obscurity, for the most part.

In actuality, this lines up with what God says in Ruth. This is why we work for God’s legacy and work to glorify him in everything we do. He is the one that remains. He is the one that is remembered. Throughout the generations, our goal is to glorify and lift him up because who we are and our mundane day to day actions will most likely not be remembered by others.

Only the things that God does through us are what will truly last and be remembered. Don’t squander this lifetime by building up treasures that will ultimately mean nothing and not be remembered. Be focused on glorifying God, and God alone.

Video devotional here:

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