Christian Devotional – October 18, 2016
Read Daniel chapter 11
Daniel 11:35–Some of the wise may stumble, so that they may be refined, purified, and made spotless until the time of the end, for it will still come at the appointed time.
No one likes to stumble. No one likes to misstep or to fall, yet Daniel received a prophecy here in this chapter which explains that even the wise will stumble. But, the important issue with stumbling is to decide what to do once you’re laying on the ground. For the people that God references here, they will use this as an opportunity to grow and learn and become more and more like God. We are going to stumble and fall. It doesn’t matter how wise we are, there will be times when we stumble and fall, yet the question that we must ask ourselves is what purpose will our stumbling have. Will we learn and grow and allow God to use it to make us more like Him?
Father, I don’t like to stumble, but I also know that only through stumbling will I be able to grow. I need to become more like You and I want that to happen in whatever way it needs to. Please help me to see You when I fall and to humble myself and learn from the difficult times and the mistakes that I make. I love You and I thank You for all that You are doing in me.