• Devotional

    Christian Devotional – April 5, 2023

    Joshua, Day 7 Gold, silver, and a robe. Read Joshua chapter 7. What is the price of obedience worth to you? For what would you be willing to go against God? The answer might surprise you. It might be less than you would imagine. For Achan, his price was a robe, 200 pieces of silver, and a bar of gold. That was it. That’s what his obedience was worth. God gives us commands every day. Through our reading of The Bible and studying his word, we can understand how God desires to see us live out his obedience each day. What is our obedience worth to us? Our disobedience is…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – April 4, 2023

    Joshua, Day 6 Victory. Read Joshua chapter 6. God had promised the people of Israel victory over the city of Jericho. And God delivered. Joshua led the people to follow exactly what God told them to do, and the people experienced the victory of seeing the walls fall down around the city. When we think of Joshua, this battle of Jericho is often one of the first things that come to mind. Yet, Joshua just did what God told him to do. There was nothing about this victory that was Joshua’s. It was entirely the Lord’s victory. Are we being obedient to what God has shared with us to do?…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – April 3, 2023

    Joshua, Day 5 Provision. Read Joshua chapter 5. As the people were making the transition to the land that they have been promised, the food that God has been providing for the past 40 years stopped. As a leader, God has been taking care of his people and all that they needed. He provided food directly for them. Then, as their situation changed, God allowed the way that he provised for them to change. But, that didn’t change the fact that He was still providing for them. The character of who God is doesn’t change, but the way he demonstrates that character can change as needed. Do we manage our…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – April 2, 2023

    Joshua, Day 4 Why does God do miracles in our lives? Read Joshua chapter 4. The people of Israel experienced a true miracle God. The waters parted and they walked through on dry land, just like they had heard the stories from before. Now, they had experienced the same thing. Why does God do the miraculous in our lives? The reason is answered right here. God does miraculous things in our life to point people to him and to make sure that people understand the truly awesome greatness that is our God. God does not have to do miraculous things in her life. Yet, he chooses to do them so…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – April 1, 2023

    Joshua, Day 3 Prepared. Read Joshua chapter 3. One of the responsibilities of a leader is to help people be prepared for what’s coming. Here, we see Joshua letting the people know that they need to prepare themselves. God was going to do amazing and incredible things through them and they need to be ready. How do we get ready? Are we prepared for everything that God wants to do with us and through us? We need to understand the importance of being ready to fulfill God’s purpose in our life. If we are not constantly seeking him, we will never be ready. God can use us in amazing ways…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – March 30, 2023

    Joshua, Day 2 Reputation. Read Joshua chapter 2. Joshua sent the people to spy out the land and scout out the enemy. What they learned was that their reputation had gotten there before them. Their reputation was that God was going to honor and protect them and that anyone who stood in their way, God would deal with. This reputation terrified the people of Jericho. What is our reputation? What do people think about us before they even see us? Are we known for how God has used us and worked in our lives? When I look at the people of Israel, I’m always so impressed with the way they’re…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – March 29, 2023

    Joshua, Day 1 The timid and nervous leader. Read Joshua chapter 1. After having studied principles of leadership from the Bible for the last month, let’s take a look at a book written by a man who was very nervous and afraid to be a leader. The book of Joshua tells the story of the man who became the leader of the nation of Israel after Moses. Moses was such an amazing and dynamic leader that Joshua really was nervous about being given the reigns of leadership. As you read this first chapter, you see all of the encouragement that God is giving him to let him know he’ll be…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – March 28, 2023

    Principles of Leadership, Day 31 Trustworthy. Read Matthew 24:45-47. As we close out our final day on this topic of leadership, we’re covering the idea of trustworthiness. When we are leading, we must be worthy of the trust that we have been given. We should be trusted by those who put us in leadership positions and we are to be trusted by those that we are leading as well. If these individuals don’t trust us, we will never truly be able to lead. Are you trustworthy? What does it mean to be trustworthy? Looking at this verse, there is an element of integrity because the master knows that the servant…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – March 27, 2023

    Principles of Leadership, Day 30 Work hard while you are able. Read Ecclesiastes 9:10. The idea of the importance of working hard is a biblical idea. We find stated through multiple places in the Bible that whatever we are to do, we do it as if we’re doing it for the Lord. Here, in this verse, it’s no different. As we are going through our day, we must realize that leading is not a substitute for working hard. Now, the way in which we work may change and be different depending on our leadership and what is needed in the moment, but the effort and focus of our work should…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – March 26, 2023

    Principles of Leadership, Day 29 What is the role of the leader? Read 1 Thessalonians 5:14. Who are we call to lead? The answer is the distracted, the disheartened, the delicate, and the demanding. As we look at this verse here, we see the instruction to lead all of these people. How are we going to help those who are distracted to maintain focus on their purpose in Christ? How can we encourage those people who are discouraged and don’t feel like they can go on with their purpose and Christ? How do we raise up and empower those people who feel they are too weak or delicate to do…