• Devotional

    Christian Devotional – December 4, 2024

    The Vision, Day 40 Witness. Read Ezekiel chapter 40. As we move into more of the vision of Ezekiel, we see the whole reason behind why he is having these visions in the first place. God tells him that he is here to be a witness to the people of Israel and to tell them everything he has seen. When we think about our lives and our relationship with God, we have to acknowledge that we are here to be a witness to others of what God has done in our lives. God works and moves in incredible ways and we are to share that message and story with everyone.…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – December 3, 2024

    The Vision, Day 39 God’s presence. Read Ezekiel chapter 39. As God is sharing about the ultimate restoration of Israel, he ends the chapter here with a reminder that the ultimate restoration is his presence. The people will be able to be in the presence of God. He will pour out his spirit on them. When we are thinking about our ability to be restored, it is about our ability to be in the presence of God. When we ask Jesus for forgiveness and make him Lord of our lives, he restores our relationship with God so that we can be in his presence and enjoy that presence. That is…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – December 2, 2024

    The Vision, Day 38 Upcoming prophesies. Read Ezekiel chapter 38. Many of the prophecies that remain throughout the rest of the book of Ezekiel have yet to be fulfilled. We often study them alongside the prophecies from Revelation and some from Daniel. We also can understand that the reason for the judgment in these prophecies is the same as the judgment that had occurred prior. God deserves glory. God is worthy of worship. When God brings about the judgment of these nations for how they are responding to Israel, we will know it was because of their lack of worship of the one true God. He deserves his glory. We…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – December 1, 2024

    The Vision, Day 37 Questions. Read Ezekiel chapter 37. This is such an interesting vision that God gives Ezekiel. He sees a valley full of dry bones and then God asks if they can live again. I know for me, if God had asked me that question, I would have said no. I would be looking at it with my understanding of the world and science, knowing that what has been dead can’t be raised to life again. Yet Ezekiel doesn’t answer that way. Ezekiel trusted God to know that if God is asking the question, God may understand a different answer than what would be the obvious. When we…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – November 30, 2024

    The Vision, Day 36 New. Read Ezekiel chapter 36. The idea of being able to be new is such a wonderful thought. After all that has been shat3d and all the judgment, it is reassuring to know that God intends on remaking us in such a way that He is glorified. He wants us to be remade in His image. So many wonderful verses stand out in the chapter. God is going to give us a new heart that is sensitive to the things of God. He is going to show just how great and glorious he is! Are we seeking after the things of God? Do we long for…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – November 29, 2024

    The Vision, Day 35 God hears. Read Ezekiel chapter 35. As God is continuing to give visions to Ezekiel, it’s important to understand that Ezekiel is seeing what God wants him to see. God sees everything. God also hears everything. The people had been boasting about how they can do things without God. They didn’t need God, and God heard that and knows that it’s not true. God is holding people accountable for their words. Do we pay attention to the words that we say? Do we recognize the strength and accountability that we have towards the words that come out of our mouth? God sees everything and hears everything.…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – November 28, 2024

    The Vision, Day 34 We are his sheep. Read Ezekiel chapter 34. For those of you reading here in the United States, Happy Thanksgiving. Today is the day we celebrate and remember all of the blessings in our lives that we have to be thankful for. God has truly provided so much in each and every one of our lives that everyday should be thanksgiving. As we read this passage today, we seen that the people of Israel truly did have something to be thankful for. They were God’s children. God explains how completely he loves his children. They are his sheep and he is their shepherd. He will search…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – November 27, 2024

    The Vision, Day 33 Action. Read Ezekiel chapter 33. So much of what Ezekiel has prophesied has come true. The people are in exile and Ezekiel even hears word of the destruction of Jerusalem. God makes this statement to Ezekiel. People are still coming to Ezekiel to hear his prophecies. People still want to hear the word of the Lord. The problem is they do nothing with it. There’s no action taken based on what God is telling them. They hear God’s word and then continue doing all the wrong things that they have been doing. Can we really say we know something if we aren’t doing it? What we…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – November 26, 2024

    The Vision, Day 32 They will know. Read Ezekiel chapter 32. As God continues sharing his judgment on the nation of Egypt, we see the reason given for the judgment. First, the people have not been following God. That’s the reason they’re being given over to judgment in the first place. The second reason given is so that others will see what has happened and know that God is God. You see there’s never a singular purpose. A judgment of God is always about making sure people understand and glorify who he is. He is holy and just and righteous, and because of that, he punishes sin so that people…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – November 25, 2024

    The Vision, Day 31 Origin story. Read Ezekiel chapter 31. As we read this chapter, we see God describing Pharaoh of Egypt. God talks about the fact that he made Pharaoh and the entire country beautiful to start with. They were the envy of everything. We need to recognize that the origin story of all of God’s creation was perfect. Everything was perfection, including Mankind. Unfortunately sin came into the world and ruined that perfection. We can never forget that God created us in his image. He made us and made us beautiful. The sin in our lives is what gets in our way of demonstrating the beauty of God.…