
Christian Devotional – April 13, 2022

Holy Week, Day 3

Epic fail. Peter denying Jesus is certainly one of the more commonly referenced happenings of Holy Week. Read Mark 14:53-72.

Why do we resonate with Peter’s betrayal of Jesus so much? Often I think it’s because we know our own shortcomings and our own ways in which we have let Jesus down. We want to be true to be true to him. We may even have boasted about how good we are or how are or how much we follow Jesus. But, in the difficulties and tough times, do we follow through? Or, like Peter, do we betray him?

The beautiful piece about Peter and this story is recognizing just how pointedly God forgives him. Jesus makes a special mention of Peter after he rises from the dead and he spends special time with Peter to help him understand that God knew he would fail. God was not surprised by Peter’s actions that night and Peter’s actions don’t define his relationship with Christ. Peter repented and asked for forgiveness and the Lord gave it.

God does the same with us as well. No matter what we do, God can forgive it. No matter what we’ve been a part of, God can restore us. Peter’s example during this week is hope to the rest of us that no matter how we fall, and we will fall, God wants to restore us and and to use us. Will we repent from our shortcomings and allow God to use us today?