Christian Devotional – April 13, 2023
Joshua, Day 14

What do you want to be doing when you are 85? Read Joshua chapter 14.
Caleb had been following God for many years. In fact, he was one of the few old men left in Israel. He did not die in the wilderness like all the others his age. He had spied out the land and had wanted to take it 40 years before, but the people were afraid and so they wandered, and died, in the desert for 40 years.
However, now the people have followed God and are conquering the land. Caleb is 85 years old, but he still remembers what God promised him all those years ago. And, he knows that his age makes no difference to God. God will still fulfill his promise to Caleb.
Age really doesn’t matter to God. Often we make it the excuse for why we do or do not do certain things. I’m too young. I’m too old. I’ve got too many things going in my life at this time. I’m at a difficult stage in my life. All of these things we use as excuses to not experience the fullness of God’s promise for us.
What is God wanting to do in our life? That’s the only question we need to ask. We don’t need to put limits on God or try to rationalize what God can or cannot do. If God wants to move in our life, he absolutely will and can. Are we willing to obey and follow him, no matter what?