
Christian Devotional – April 18, 2016

Read Acts chapter 17


Acts 17:25–And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything. Rather, he himself gives everyone life and breath and everything else.


Paul was speaking to a group of Greeks who were very used to all the tales of Greek mythology with their pantheon of gods. In all of those stories, the gods are selfish, spiteful creatures who use and manipulate humans for their own pleasure. Paul is explaining that the God of the universe is nothing like that. God doesn’t need us for anything, however, He is constantly giving to us everything that we have. We don’t serve God because He needs or work or our money. We serve God because we love Him. Are we busy trying to “do” for God? We must always evaluate our motives and recognize that we don’t need to “do” for God, we simply are called to love Him and to demonstrate our love by giving Him our entire life.


Father, I get busy trying to “do” all the things that I have on my lists and yet I realize that I need to check my motives. I desire to love You and to show You that I love You more every day. Thank You for giving me everything that I have. May You use it to bring glory to Yourself every day.