Christian Devotional – April 22, 2016
Acts 21:19–Paul greeted them and reported in detail what God had done among the Gentiles through his ministry.
Paul has come back to Jerusalem and is giving an account of all that has gone on while he has been away. This was his opportunity to brag and boast about all the miracles and conversions, but see how this is phrased. Paul shared what God had done Paul didn’t take this opportunity to brag and boast about his own situation and actions. Instead, he used the time to boast about the glory and greatness of God and all the mighty works of God that had occurred while he had been out. When we are asked bout thing going on, do we spend our time bragging about ourselves and our accomplishments, or are we pointing people to God to see all the miraculous glory of the things that He has done?
Father, help me to always be pointing people to You, no matter what else is going on or how others are doing. Please give me the strength to do all that You ask so that You may receive all the glory.