Christian Devotional – April 22, 2023
Joshua, Day 23

Farewell address. Read Joshua chapter 23.
The time of Joshua is drawing to a close. He has led the people and allowed them to begin the process of fulfilling all that God has promised them. Now he’s addressing them for the final time. What would you say? How would you sum up the lifetime of work that Joshua has led the people through? He chooses to remind them of the simple things that God has shared with them. Serve God. Love God. Follow God. If you do these things, God will bless you. If you don’t do these things, God will curse you.
Sometimes we try to complicate the Christian life too much. We have all of these thoughts and ideas and checklists of what we should and should not do. Yet the Christian life really is very simple. Love God. Because we love him, we will obey him. Don’t try to overcomplicate the Christian life. Instead, focus on actually living it out.