Christian Devotional – April 22, 2024
Psalm and Praise, Day 105

The truth sets you free. Read Psalm chapter 105.
In this reminder of the life of Joseph, we are taken back through all his struggles and trials. We are reminded of all that he went through. Reading through this again we understand that he was truly tried and much of his life was frustrating and disappointing. Only at the right time did God allow him to be vindicated and for everything that he had been sharing to be proven.
Sometimes our life feels like that we struggle and we go through trials and difficulties and it doesn’t feel like anyone hears or listens. We continue to push forward knowing that God sees us and God hears us.
Continue taking one step forward today. It may be the hardest step you have ever taken, but God is there and in the right time, he will vindicate you. He will prove his word true in your life.