
Christian Devotional – April 23, 2022

The Next Steps, Day 6

Focus. Once we have decided that we are going to value what God values above anyone else (yesterday’s lesson), now it becomes important to keep that focus. Read Acts 6.

The disciples had a difficult decision to make. There was much ministry that needed to be done, but there was also studying and preaching and sharing that needed to happen. How could they do it all? The answer is that they couldn’t. The disciples needed to stay focused on what God had given them to do and allow God to raise up other individuals who would be able to focus on other responsibilities.

We cannot do it all in God’s kingdom. Only God can do that. As a result, it’s important to remember exactly what God has us doing and stay focused on that, and that alone. Are we staying focused in the areas that God has given us? Are we keeping our eyes on only those things that God would have us do? What will we give our prayer and attention to today?