Christian Devotional – April 25, 2023
James, Day 2

How strong do you have to be to control your tongue? Read James 1:19-27.
James is speaking here on the importance of listening and responding in a way that reflects God. Do we respond in anger? Do we pause and reflect and understand what has been said before we respond? Are we able to control what we say?
This last question, and the verse that I chose for today, are stern reminders that many of us speak before we think. Many times I have found myself in situations where the thoughts that are going through my head are almost simultaneously being vocalized by my mouth, and that is not a good thing.
God has given us the ability to understand and filter thoughts in our head before we make a decision to actually say them out loud. However, many times we actually don’t use that, or we should use it more than we do.
Do you screen your words based upon whether God would say them? Do you look at what you say from the perspective of how God would speak in that situation? Words can be very hurtful and our words should be a reflection of the words Jesus Christ himself would say in the situation. How can we better control our tongue today?