Christian Devotional – April 9, 2023
Joshua, Day 10

We serve a God who does the miraculous! Read Joshua chapter 10.
Today we celebrate the risen Savior, Jesus Christ. We realize that raising Jesus from the dead was not the only miraculous that God has ever done. In fact, our God regularly does the miraculous for his people to glorify himself. We see it here in Joshua chapter 10. People were coming against Israel and their allies. As a result, the Israelites go to battle and God does the miraculous by extending the day. Daylight lasted almost a full day longer than it should have. The sun stopped in the sky.
How amazing would that have been! It allowed the Israelites the ability to continue to pursue their attackers. God knew what they needed and what would ultimately glorify him, and just l8ke what he did for Israel, he sent his Son and did what he needed to do to bring that about the opportunity for salvation for all of us.
God ultimately desires that we are in a right relationship with him and have the opportunity to experience his abundant life through a relationship with his son Jesus Christ.
Are we experiencing that today? Do we celebrate God for the amazing, miraculous God that he is? Enjoy celebrating a God who still does the miraculous, in the lives of the Israelites and in our lives as well!