
Christian Devotional – August 10, 2023

The Coming Savior, Day 18

Godly advice. Read Exodus chapter 18.

Moses had a visitor. His father-in-law, Jethro, came to visit him with the rest of Moses’s family. While he was there, Jethro saw all that God had been doing for the people and he praised God and worshipped him. Then, Jethro got a chance to see what Moses’s day to day responsibilities included. That was when he realized that there was some opportunity for Moses to be more effective. Jethro gave Moses some great leadership advice about the importance of delegation and being able to share the responsibility with others.

Sometimes, we can get so busy and focused on the work that we are doing that we miss the opportunity to bring others along snd share the responsibility. God designed us to work together and to be able to share with one another. Wisely, Moses took Jethro’s advice.

When others offer us Godly wisdom, do we accept it? Do we listen to the advice of others who have our best interest in mind and only want to see God glorified through us?